BasicLevelQuantTest SET3

Please attempt Basic level Quant test. These questions are asked in Software companies. After attempting send answer to I will evaluate your answer sheet and send score card with correct answer sheet. I will be uploading medium and advance level test soon.
Time Duration: 1 H
1. If point P is on line segment AB, then which of the following is always true?
 (1) AP = PB   (2) AP > PB  (3) PB > AP  (4) AB > AP  (5) AB > AP + PB
2. All men are vertebrates. Some mammals are vertebrates. Which of the following conclusions drawn from the above statement is correct.
All men are mammals
All mammals are men
Some vertebrates are mammals.
3. Which of the following statements drawn from the given statements are correct?
All watches sold in that shop are of high standard. Some of the HMT watches are sold in that shop.
a) All watches of high standard were manufactured by HMT.
b) Some of the HMT watches are of high standard.
c) None of the HMT watches is of high standard.
d) Some of the HMT watches of high standard are sold in that shop.
1. Ashland is north of East Liverpool and west of Coshocton.
2. Bowling green is north of Ashland and west of Fredericktown.
3. Dover is south and east of Ashland.
4. East Liverpool is north of Fredericktown and east of Dover.
5. Fredericktown is north of Dover and west of Ashland.
6. Coshocton is south of Fredericktown and west of Dover.
5. Which of the towns mentioned is furthest of the north – west
 (a) Ashland   (b) Bowling green  (c) Coshocton
(d) East Liverpool (e) Fredericktown
6. Which of the following must be both north and east of Fredericktown?
 (a) Ashland  (b) Coshocton  (c) East Liverpool
 I a only  II b only III c only IV a & b V a & c
7. Which of the following towns must be situated both south and west of at least one other town?
A. Ashland only
B. Ashland and Fredericktown
C. Dover and Fredericktown
D. Dover, Coshocton and Fredericktown
E. Coshocton, Dover and East Liverpool.
8. Which of the following statements, if true, would make the information in the numbered statements more specific?
(a) Coshocton is north of Dover.
(b) East Liverpool is north of Dover
(c) Ashland is east of Bowling green.
(d) Coshocton is east of Fredericktown
(e) Bowling green is north of Fredericktown
9. Which of the numbered statements gives information that can be deduced from one or more of the other statements?
 (A) 1  (B) 2  (C) 3  (D) 4  (E) 6
10. Eight friends Harsha, Fakis, Balaji, Eswar, Dhinesh, Chandra, Geetha, and Ahmed are sitting in a circle facing the center. Balaji is sitting between Geetha and Dhinesh. Harsha is third to the left of Balaji and second to the right of Ahmed. Chandra is sitting between Ahmed and Geetha and Balaji and Eshwar are not sitting opposite to each other. Who is third to the left of Dhinesh?
11. If every alternative letter starting from B of the English alphabet is written in small letter, rest all are written in capital letters, how the month  “ September” be written.
 (1) SeptEMbEr (2) SEpTeMBEr (3) SeptembeR
(4) SepteMber  (5) None of the above.
12. The length of the side of a square is represented by x+2. The length of the side of an equilateral triangle is 2x. If the square and the equilateral triangle have equal perimeter, then the value of x is _______.
13. It takes Mr. Karthik y hours to complete typing a manuscript. After 2 hours, he was called away. What fractional part of the assignment was left incomplete?
14. Which of the following is larger than 3/5?
 (1)  ½ (2) 39/50 (3) 7/25 (4) 3/10 (5) 59/100
15. The number that does not have a reciprocal is ¬¬¬____________.
16. There are 3 persons Sudhir, Arvind, and Gauri. Sudhir lent cars to Arvind and Gauri as many as they had already. After some time Arvind gave as many cars to Sudhir and Gauri as many as they have. After sometime Gauri did the same thing. At the end of this transaction each one of them had 24. Find the cars each originally had.
17. A man bought a horse and a cart. If he sold the horse at 10 % loss and the cart at 20 % gain, he would not lose anything; but if he sold the horse at 5% loss and the cart at 5% gain, he would lose Rs. 10 in the bargain. The amount paid by him was Rs.¬¬¬¬_______ for the horse and Rs.________ for the cart.

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